What Evidence Could Help Support My Rideshare Accident Claim?

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While requesting a ride through apps such as Uber or Lyft is as simple as a tap of a button, seeking damages in the wake of an accident involving one of these modern “taxis” is rarely a walk in the park. Not only will you have to tackle the daunting prospect of filing a claim, but you will also need to gather strong evidence to prove liability, causation, and damages—an exhausting and time-consuming undertaking for anyone, let alone someone who was recently injured in an accident.

In this article, we take a look at a some of the kinds of proof you might need to prevail in your case:

Pictures of the Accident Scene

If you are filing a third-party claim, you will need to collect strong evidence to help demonstrate liability. Pictures of the accident scene could be invaluable in this pursuit, helping capture and preserve important aspects of the wreckage.

For instance, an accident reconstructionist may be able to use images of road markings and damage to the vehicles involved to determine what happened. Alternatively, photographs of your injuries could not only help tie your condition to the wreck, but also demonstrate the severity of the wounds you sustained.

Expert Witness Deposition

Accident reconstruction experts are just one of many individuals that your attorney might call on to help prove certain elements of your case. Others, such as economists and vocational experts, could help determine the value of future lost wages or provide testimony regarding the ways in which your injuries impact your ability to do your job. Alternatively, a relevant medical expert may be able to provide insight into the ways in which your condition affects your everyday life.

Surveillance Camera Footage

If the accident took place on a city road, there’s a high chance that a nearby surveillance camera captured footage of the moment of—or leading up to—impact. Such recordings could help you demonstrate fault.

Financial Documents

To recover compensation, you will have to provide proof of the damages you incurred. As such, you should make sure to track your losses carefully, compiling any associated bills, receipts, invoices, and estimates in a safe place ready to share with your attorney. Additionally, if you were unable to work because of your injuries, you should also gather proof of the resulting lost wages. Such evidence can include paystubs, tax returns, and correspondence with your employer.

Medical Records

Your medical records will not only show the types of injuries you sustained, but will also usually list the treatments you’ve received and are expected to require down the line. If you underwent a medical assessment within a reasonable timeframe after the wreck, these records could also help connect your injuries to the collision.

Speak to a Detroit Rideshare Accident Attorney Today

Were you hurt in a wreck involving a rideshare service? The legal team at Seva Law Firm can meet with you to discuss your options.

Whether you’re filing a first-party claim with your own insurer or seeking additional damages as part of a third-party claim against the at-fault party, our Detroit rideshare accident attorneys will be on hand to provide guidance, support, and aggressive representation at every stage. Dial (248) 385-5704 or head over to our contact form HERE to request a free case review.