What Questions Will My Attorney Ask During the Initial Consultation?

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What Questions Will My Attorney Ask During the Initial Consultation?Hiring a personal injury attorney generally starts by scheduling an initial consultation. This meeting aims to serve two purposes.

First, you’ll get the opportunity to assess the lawyer’s credentials and determine if he or she is equipped to take your case. Second, the attorney will be able to determine whether your claim has merit and, if so, how best to proceed.

To ensure the consultation is as productive as possible, you should be prepared to answer the following questions:

1. When, where, and how did the accident occur?

It’s wise to write down everything you can remember about the incident in question prior to your consultation. During the meeting, your attorney is going to ask questions like:

  • What were you doing just before the accident?
  • What kinds of factors do you think contributed to the accident?
  • Did police respond to the scene?
  • Did you receive emergency care at the scene?
  • Do you have any photographs of the scene?
  • Did you obtain the names and phone numbers of those who witnessed the accident?

2. What kinds of injuries did you sustain?

Your lawyer will need to review the extent of your injuries to determine whether taking action could be worthwhile. Therefore, it’s wise to bring along your medical records and hospital bills.

If you’ve been tracking your recovery in a personal injury journal, bring that, as well. If you haven’t, start doing so as soon as possible. Write detailed entries about the ways in which your condition is affecting your quality of life.

3. Have you had any correspondence with a claims adjuster?

If you’ve spoken with the liable party’s insurer, your attorney will want to know exactly what was said. This is especially important if you’ve already provided a recorded statement. And if it turns out you do have grounds for a claim, make sure to refer all correspondence to your legal team moving forward so as to avoid jeopardizing your case inadvertently.

4. What kinds of injury-related expenses have you incurred since the accident?

Chances are you’ve incurred quite a few damages since the accident. Your lawyer will want to evaluate all of them during the initial consultation to determine how much your claim may be worth. As such, it will be helpful to bring along the bills, receipts, and invoices that correspond to your injury-related expenses.

5. Have you posted anything about the accident on social media?

If you’ve discussed the accident, your injuries, or the claim you intend to file on social media, your attorney will want to know. Depending on the content of the posts, it may be advisable to delete some or all of them so the claims adjuster cannot use them against you.

Discuss Your Claim with a Personal Injury Attorney in Detroit

If you were seriously hurt through no fault of your own, contact Seva Law Firm. We’ve recovered more than $100 million in settlements and verdicts for our clients. Call (248) 385-5704 or fill out our Contact Form to schedule a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer in Detroit.

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