What Should I Bring to My Case Review with a Truck Accident Attorney?

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While you could show up to a consultation empty-handed and still benefit from this meeting; in most situations, it pays to be prepared. Bringing along evidence from the accident scene, financial documents, and other proof that might help you demonstrate liability and damages will give your attorney an opportunity to assess the proof you’ve gathered and start plotting out their investigation. Let’s take a look at some of the items you should bring along to your free case review:

1. Medical Records

If you were hurt in a truck accident, you should make sure to visit the doctor as soon as possible. A prompt diagnosis won’t just ensure that you receive the necessary healthcare interventions without delay, but scheduling a visit will also arm you with the documents you need to demonstrate your damages and connect your injuries with the incident in question.

Typically, your medical records will include information about the procedures you’ve undergone, the cost of your treatments, and the contact details of all the healthcare providers who treated you. If you are not able to obtain copies of your records, an attorney will likely be able to do so on your behalf.

2. The Police Report

If police officers attended the scene, they should’ve compiled an official report on the incident which will usually include details such as the time, date, and location of the wreck, and their observations on what may have happened. This document could help guide your attorney’s investigation into the accident.

3. Correspondence with the Insurer

Whether you spoke to your insurance company over email or you were contacted by the at-fault driver or their employer, you should save copies of such correspondence. It’s possible you may have said something that could lead to disputes, so your attorney will want to review these communications to help develop strategies to counter or mitigate potential defenses that might arise during proceedings.

4. Receipts, Invoices, and Bills

In order to recover compensation for an injury, you will need to provide proof of the damages you’ve incurred. Whether it’s your healthcare costs, property repairs, or modifications to your vehicle and/or home, you should compile any associated financial documents to share with your attorney during the initial consultation.

5. Insurance Policy Information

Your truck accident attorney can review your insurance policy documents to determine what is—and what isn’t—covered by your policies. This could have a major influence on whether you decide to pursue a third-party claim.

Discuss Your Claim with a Detroit Truck Accident Attorney

After a truck accident, it’s only natural to feel confused, stressed, and completely overwhelmed. As such, sitting down to discuss your situation with a Detroit truck accident attorney could give you the clarity, insight, and direction you need to make informed decisions about your case.

At Seva Law Firm, the initial consultation is free, and we will take time to answer your questions, explain the strengths and weaknesses of your case, and explore potential outcomes for your claim. To request a case review, reach out to us at (248) 385-5704 or head over to our online contact form HERE.