What Types of Expert Witnesses Can Help with My Car Accident Claim?

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Building a third-party car wreck claim is rarely a straightforward process. Depending on your situation, you might need to gather many different types of evidence such as cellphone records, surveillance camera footage, photographs of the accident, and eyewitness statements. In some cases, you might also need to bring in qualified individuals whose opinion could be crucial to the success of your case.

In a personal injury claim, you will need to show liability, causation, and damages. Thankfully, there are specialists who can assist with proving each of these aspects of your case. Examples of such experts include:

1. Medical Specialists

In a personal injury claim, you will have to demonstrate the severity of your injuries and the lasting effect they’ll likely have on your life. As such, depending on the nature of your condition, you might have to bring in various medical specialists to provide testimony regarding your treatment, recovery, and limitations.

For instance, your legal team will usually obtain statements from your primary care physician, treating providers, and specialists with expertise and knowledge relevant to your healthcare needs. If, for instance, you suffered a spinal cord injury, your attorney might consult with neurosurgeons and orthopedic doctors who may be able to provide insight into the types of challenges your condition poses.

2. Accident Reconstructionists

Using evidence from the accident scene, accident reconstruction experts are able to determine what took place in the moments before impact. For instance, they might look at photos of the accident scene, road markings left behind by the vehicles, and surveillance camera footage to deduce who or what caused the wreck.

3. Economists

If your condition is likely to affect your ability to earn a living in the future, an economist can help estimate the value of future lost wages and any other associated damages. You will often require input from such specialists for these figures to be admitted as evidence.

4. Industry Experts

Many injuries can make it difficult or even impossible to work. However, as every industry is different, you will need to provide evidence to show why you are unable to do your job. A vocational or industry expert can not only help shed light on the challenges you’re facing at work due to your injuries, but can also evaluate your education, role, experience, and projected career trajectory to help approximate future losses.

Speak to a Car Accident Attorney in Detroit Today

If you were seriously hurt in a car wreck, turn to the attorneys at Seva Law Firm to see if you have grounds to file a personal injury claim. Through the years, we’ve built strong connections with various experts in the area, arming us with the resources and expertise necessary to prevail in even the most complex cases. To lock in a free case review with a car accident attorney in Detroit, contact us today at (248) 385-5704 or head over to our contact form HERE.