When Should I Call a Car Accident Attorney in Detroit?

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After a car wreck, many victims wonder if it’s worth their time to contact an attorney. While it may be possible for you to handle your claim on your own, the claims process can be incredibly complex, and any mistakes could cost you a fair settlement. An attorney can step in to handle your case, overseeing the logistics of your case so you can get back to focusing on your health.

The earlier you contact a lawyer, the quicker they can get to work, so the best time to pick up the phone may be right now. Let’s look at a few ways a car accident attorney could assist with your case:

1. Investigate the Accident

When you hire an attorney, they will usually conduct a thorough investigation into the wreck and gather the necessary evidence to prove liability and damages. However, much of the evidence in a car accident can be time-sensitive. For instance, road markings can disappear overnight, surveillance camera footage is routinely erased, and eyewitnesses can forget what they saw. The sooner a car accident victim hires a lawyer, the sooner he or she can begin collecting this proof.

2. Estimate Fair Compensation for Your Losses

Before agreeing to a settlement offer, you will want to know what your case is worth. As www.dwpersonalinjurylaw.com explains, rushing into negotiations may leave you holding onto a financial award that falls short of covering future injury-related expenses, such as additional treatments, lost wages, and replacement services. An attorney can review the available evidence and bring in expert witnesses if necessary to help approximate reasonable compensation for your losses.

3. Guide You through Proceedings

Any mistakes you’ve made, even immediately after the wreck, could be used as evidence to dispute liability and damages. Thankfully, a skilled personal injury lawyer can help guide you through proceedings, advising you of common errors and how to avoid them. An attorney can also help ensure that your paperwork is filled out correctly and that you don’t miss important filing deadlines.

4. Identify the Liable Parties

In Detroit, medical expenses and other accident-related losses are usually covered by your own auto insurance policy as part of its personal injury protection component. However, under certain circumstances, you may need to file a third-party claim against the at-fault motorist to recover compensation for your damages if you exceed your coverage limits. To do so, your injuries must meet the state’s threshold to take legal action. An attorney can help you identify the liable parties and determine whether you have grounds to sue those at fault.

Speak to a Car Accident Attorney in Detroit Today

Were you injured in a car wreck? The legal team at Seva Law Firm is here to help. Our car accident attorneys can assess your case as part of a free consultation, during which they can review the evidence you’ve gathered and explain how your case might unfold. To schedule a case review, dial (248) 385-5704 or click through to our contact page HERE.